Treatment Process and Evaluation

There are lots of Treatment choices available for autism just like any other disorder. Some of these treatments are

  • pharmaceutical,
  • educational,
  • behavioral,
  • biomedical, and
  • nutritional and
  • few are sensory.

For those who have no medical insurance, the treatment expenses incur along the medication is too costly unlike if covered in an insurance plan. In order to know that the treatment your child had undergone is effective, you need to monitor each progress it gives during the treatment period. Through regular monitoring of the effects can help you know which treatment is effective and which are not. You can quit on that ineffective treatment method and put more effort and even money on that treatments which you see give positive progress to your child.
The initial stage to do is undergone an evaluation on the child’s ability before going into treatment. You can check necessary procedures on this at the Autism Research Institute or from those services and organizations that focus their programmed on autism. This checklist contains pointers on the behavioral acts and illnesses related to autism. Always remember that autistic people tend to increase their functionality as they grow old, the positive outcome they have in their lives are due to the natural growth they have. You compare the results after two months of treatment and evaluate further if there are positive development in the behavioral characteristics of the autistic child. This development maybe due to the treatments the child had undergone.
The treatment process should be done one at a time. It may not give positive outcome along the treatment if taken abruptly. The positive result may be suppressed with the negative effects if not done gradually. Studies will help you guide in choosing the best treatment to undergo for your child. Due to reason that autism is a special case of individual disorder, studies may not be sufficient. Some research is done extensively which sometimes not reliable compare to the new treatments available nowadays. This is always a trial and error process. After two months of treatment, if there is no development along the process, next succeeding treatment should not be continued rather invest your money at the treatment where you see positive effects on the development of your autistic child.
You don’t have to wait for two months time in order to make choices whether to pursue the treatment or not. IF is observed the negative effects it brought from the medication is unbearable, then stopping the treatment is the best step to take. You can continue with the treatment if you see instant positive reactions have taken effect. A constant monitoring on the different treatment methods is wise to do. Remember that autistic children grow and matured just like any other normal children. Thus, treatment may also be terminated after a period of time. But when indulging new treatment method, always seek advice from your physician for safety purposes.

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