Library and Visual Learning

Visual Learning makes a good library of books and pictures mandatory. No one could effectively teach if he does not understand anything. This concept applies to anywhere you prefer to teach and whoever you want to educate. Educating autistic children is very challenging. It requires wide understanding of the child as they learned very differently. It is where understanding is a must! Only the teacher who is educated in disorder can effectively teach the autistic children whether in a classroom platform or outside. The teacher’s talent to understand creates an understanding world.
Have you ever heard of the saying that action speaks louder than words? So you won’t be surprise if autistic children can learn as fast as ordinary children if they see it. It is because autistic children are visual thinkers. Teachers should combine pictures with words for them to fully understand the lesson. Just like, if you are teaching about animals of the world. You should have a flash card of ‘‘horse’’; say the word aloud slowly and clearly. Perhaps if it is available for them to see live, then it’s better. The more they see it, the more they will understand it. Just like when you teach them about sit and stand, you should do the action of this word. By merely speaking, it will be hard for them to learn. However, this strategy will make them confuse and cannot be able to decipher the sequence. This is one reason why written instructions are effective when handling exams or quizzes.
At most ways, autistic children learn fast through visual aid. If you observed that the child easily relate to an object, then it should be part of your lessons. In other words, when explaining something to the autistic child, try to make that object as an example to elaborate further the subject. Autistic child are also artistic or musical. They produced high creative drawings and they excel on using instruments or voice. Always take part of arts in your lesson plan and push on activities that your child enjoys.
It is common to autistic children that they difficulty in writing as they cannot control on their hand movements. To avoid this frustration, allow them to use computer. When using computer, always ensure that the keyboard and monitor is set together in order for the child to remember those objects easily.
Deploying the best teaching method on your autistic child, does not only give him the chance to get a better life but creating him to be the role model of his class. Don’t let autism ruin the learning experience of other children and always consider their indifference as part of your lesson plan. A classroom that treats the autistic child fairly and justly is the best gift to him that you can give.

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