Handling autistic individuals

Autistic people like anyone with physical or mental disorder, deal with a wide range of reactions from others, from full support to uncaring ignorance. It is just so sad to note that even those who support autistic individuals may not understand autism very well. Thus, it leads to stereotypes which can result to embarrassment, hatred and other unhappy feelings and situations. However, you can help others to cope with autism by becoming educated about this disorder.

Every autistic person is different
It is very important to note that not all people who suffered from this disorder are the same. Other disorders and diseases have their own sets of rules. Yet, autism is such a complex medical conditions that almost everyone with this kind of disorder reacts differently to it. This disorder is usually rated on a functional scale. The low-functioning people need 24-hour-a-day care and the high functioning people are able to hold jobs. Some autistic people show all its symptoms, while others show few. But there are also others whom you cannot tell that they suffered autism because they may have under in control. Its symptoms may include emotional inadequacies, speech and communication difficulties, uncontrollable movements and behavioral challenges.

Relations with autistic are a difficult thing – but possible !
Most autistic people are having troubles in communicating emotions. This does not mean that they do not have feelings, but it is just they cannot express it. It also does not mean that strong relationship bonds with them are impossible. In fact, there are May autistic people who are happily married and in love. And because every person is unique and different, nothing can be said about this disorder and be true overall. Indeed, forming a relationship with autistic people is difficult, but for sure it can be accomplished over time.
Are all autistic people genius?

Lots of people believe that in some aspect, being autistic coincides with being a genius. Yes, it is true that some autistic people have extraordinary skills in math, art and music, but this number is nowhere near the majority. In fact, there are relatively few autistic people who function outside the normal range in any skill. This may be perpetuated in movies and television because the story of a talented person fighting his disadvantages like autism makes a great plot. Nevertheless, nothing more than the best they can do should be expected from an autistic individual. It is important to note that autism is a disorder but not a form of mental retardation. Well, some autistic individuals are mentally retarded, but majority of them are not and must not be treated as such.

One should probably need to prolong his or her patience when dealing with autistic people, but by understanding more about this disorder, to do so might be easier. And the most important lesson to take away from one’s study on autism is one of tolerance. You should learn what you can learn and spread that knowledge to others to help a more tolerant environment for autistic people in your society.

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